звоните: +7 495 204-207-8
e-mail: art@quartagallery.ru
Decoration of the walls of our living and working space becomes one of the vital questions of our everyday life since we all want to be surrounded by beautiful things which not only make our space cozy but also reflect our personality. We would also like this beautiful and individual and cozy inner world to be reflected not only in commercial pictures and photos supplied in plentiful by numerous chain stores selling furniture, accessories and souvenirs, but to have its own unique character, value, and in many cases, to become a collector’s piece.
And there comes the main question of WHAT and HOW TO CHOOSE? And it soon is joined by others which sometimes cannot be easily answered without a specialist:
Contemporary art seems to match the “European-style renovation” white walls perfectly. However, such design has become so common that the interior not only acquires individuality with such art but often loses it. It becomes a design element. Real artwork should change the space, carry you away, alter ideas about the owner, open his/her second or may be first self. To make it happen art should be selected in a slightly different way than furniture and wall color.
We are ready to help you make a beneficial investment and acquire a worthy interior decoration. Our art experts and designers will
If that is exactly what you are looking for then send us your consultation request right now.
We deal with offices and individuals. Entrust the selection of your personal collection and decoration of your interior to our experts!