“Unreal characters. Artists and images of “Sojuzmultfilm” at VDNKh

by Quarta Gallery
Нереальные герои

ill 28 February you will be able to visit the exhibition “Unreal characters. Artists and images of “Sojuzmultfilm” at the VDNKh pavilion № 2. About 700 graphic and holographic exhibits will reveal the secrets of creating cartoon images”. The exhibition will present genuine sets, sketches, photoscripts, mock-ups and puppets from well-known and all-liked cartoons about Cheburashka and Gena the Crocodile, Winnie the Pooh, Carlson, Buratino, Wolf and Hare from “Nu, Pogodi”, Nutcracker, Prostokvashino inhabitants and many other fairy locations. It should be noted that some of the exhibits are already over 60 years old and most of them have never been shown to the public!
